

Composting is a way to make very nutritious soil. When you eat a banana you can take a paper bag and collect your leftover natural food materials. When your bag is full, take it outside and dump it in some dirt in your yard. Over time, the materials should become dirt. This dirt is good for planting plants in. This process is called composting.

Don't Throw Away the banana!

Food scraps can be very useful. From banana peels to stale bread, there is a lot of kitchen throw aways you can save. When you throw away kitchen scraps, they can get mixed into the other trash. Then it makes a bigger pile at the dump. Why not make a practice of turning your food scraps into a natural fertilizer for the soil instead?

For information on what to compost, click the picture labeled "50 Items to Add to Your Compost"

Here is a list of things to compost. We are not compensated by the publisher of this website.