Solutions to Litter in Water

Here is an example of two individuals that came up with a creative solution to saving the environment. We are not compensated by these companies. 

Mr. Trash Wheel

The Story of Mr. Trash Wheel

One day, a person named John Kellet invented a clever solution to getting rid of trash in Baltimore's inner harbor. Here is how it works:

Other Trash Wheels

Professor Trash Wheel 

Professor Trash Wheel was installed at Harris Creek, Baltimore, MD on December 4, 2016

Captain Trash Wheel

Captain Trash Wheel was installed at Masonville Cove, Baltimore, MD on June 5, 2018

Gwynnda the Good Wheel of the West

Gwynnda the Good Wheel of the West was installed at Gwynns Falls, West Baltimore, MD on June 3, 2021

The Installment of More Trash Wheels Is In Process!

More trash wheels will be installed in:

As of August 2021

Interceptor Original

The Interceptor is a better, nicer, and more effective version of Mr. Trash Wheel. This works a little differently than the original river cleaner. Read these steps to find out how:

System 001

In 2018, The Ocean Cleanup deployed its first ocean system, system 001. Basically, the border funnels the trash to the end, and the litter is retrieved so that it can be recycled. However, The Ocean Cleanup realized that this system would no be efficient enough to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (their goal). 

System 002

Therefore, Ocean Cleanup created their next ocean system, system 002. System 002 included 2 boats, not one, creating a larger mouth. A retention zone was also added. This can help with retrieval because the crew can easily detach the zone.

Interactive Map

This map shows the areas that are lucky enough to have one of The Ocean Cleanup's various machines.

System 03

System 03, The Ocean Cleanup believes, will be the final design for the release of a fleet of ships. Notice how there is one less zero than systems 001 and 002? That's because The Ocean Cleanup thinks that to totally clean the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, they will need, not hundreds of system 001s and 002s, but less than 30 system 03s. Also, the opening of the mouth on system 03 is 1.8 kilometers (1 mile), instead of the half kilometer of a system 002 . This can help get more plastic extracted from the ocean.

Interceptor Barrier and Tender

The first Interceptor Barriers were installed in Kingston Harbor, Jamaica. They funnel the trash so that it ends up in a big pile on the beach. This is when the Interceptor Tender comes in. The Interceptor Tender uses its conveyor belt to get the trash onto the boat, and then it is brought to the local waste management facility.

Interceptor Trashfence

The Interceptor Trashfence was designed for areas subject to flash floods. The Trashfence blocks litter from coming through in highly polluted areas.